How Alcohol Affects Your Sleep Apnea 

A mix of alcohol and sleep apnea can have fatal consequences. While it’s true that a few drinks before bed might help you unwind and nod off, the restorative sleep your body needs isn’t being met when you’ve been drinking. Night-time celebrations affect your resting brain wave patterns, so even if you’re in bed “sleeping” …

How Accurate Are Home Tests for Sleep Apnea?

If your doctor has any reason to believe that you could be suffering from obstructive sleep apnea, they are going to advise you to get tested so that they can be certain of the diagnosis. In the past, testing for sleep apnea could only be carried out in a clinical setting by means of a …

You Could Have Sleep Apnea And Not Know You Do

MANY PEOPLE FAIL TO RECOGNIZE THEY HAVE IT GIVEN ITS SUBTLE SYMPTOMS- HERE’S WHAT TO LOOK OUT FOR Many Americans are suffering from a sleep epidemic without even knowing it. The average American sleeps for 6.8 hours a night. However, technologies such as the internet, TV and the like hinder us from reaching dreamland quite …

What is obstructive sleep apnea

This takes place as a result of the relaxation of the muscles at the back of your throat. These muscles provide support for the tonsils, the side walls of the throat, the tongue, and the soft palate. The uvula, a triangular portion of tissue that hangs from the soft palate, also receives support from these …

The main causes of sleep apnea

The following are some of the many causes of sleep apnea: Obesity Adults with this condition often have sleep apnea. The airway becomes much narrower and tighter due to fat deposits in the neck, around the tongue, and on the palate. When you’re laying down when you’re sleeping, it becomes considerably more confined. It should …

This is how sleep apnea is diagnosed and treated

There are multiple phases in the diagnosis procedure for sleep apnea, which must be performed by a physician or sleep expert. Medical History and Examination An assessment of a person’s symptoms and general health, as well as a physical examination, are usually the first steps before using sleep apnea machine. This is intended to spot …

Things you should know about sleep apnea treatments

One of around 80 distinct kinds of sleep disorders is sleep apnea. According to the American Sleep Apnea Association1, roughly 22 million Australians, or almost 26 percent of individuals between the ages of 30 and 70, suffer from sleep apnea. Despite how widespread it is, about 80% of cases go undetected and untreated. What is …