So, you have just bought your CPAP machine and you are looking for guides on how to make the best use of your machine? You are on the right path! Machines are not humans. They can only perform to the extent the user permits. In other words, no matter how efficient your CPAP machine can be, it can underperform if you don’t know how to manage it.
Being a first-time user, it can take you some time to get used to the use of your cpap machine. It all starts from knowing how to adjust the settings to fit your custom needs to getting adapted to sleeping with a mask fixed to your nose. Most importantly, you will need to learn certain dos and don’ts that can help you get your desired result while using the machine.

Do you want to maximize the use of your CPAP machine? Follow the pro tips below.
Pro Tips To Get The Best Result From Your CPAP Machine
1. Get familiar
The first thing to do to make the best use of your CPAP machine is to get used to it. The reason is that your body may feel some strange sensation having contact with a machine for the first time. And, that may cause you some irritations or even an inability to sleep.
If you want to use your CPAP machine with comfort and for the best results, you need to first familiar with it. How? Start using your machine for some time during the day while performing your daily tasks. You can wear only the mask as you move around in your house. You can also turn on the machine, connect the hose and mask, then fix it to your nose and rest your head as you play your favorite game or watch TV programs.
2. Use your machine regularly
If you want your machine to work more efficiently, you need to make the device a part of your bedtime routine. Using your CPAP machine every time whether taking a nap or resting for the night will help increase productivity. Not only that, regular use of your CPAP machine will reduce the risk of developing other health complications associated with sleep apnea.
On the other hand, using the machine les often will deprive you of its health benefits and prevent your body from adjusting to the therapy. It is pathetic that most people want to drop the machine when it seems their problems have been solved in a short while. if you want a permanent solution, don’t fall for that temptation.
3. Make the right adjustment
One thing about CPAP machines is that they don’t adjust themselves automatically. That means you will have to keep watching the air pressure level and make necessary changes as your need may call for it.
There’s no better way to make you more comfortable with a CPAP machine than resetting it to your custom needs. Going with the default setting all the time might not give you the right result. Hence, it is important that you ask an expert to teach you how to adjust the settings when necessary.
Aside from the machine settings, you also need to learn how to adjust the headgear and mask straps to get the perfect fit. When it gets loosened, you may have to struggle with inconveniences that may stop you from getting adequate sleep. You can also take advantage of special pillows that come with a unique shape for CPAP masks and tubing to get more comfortable.
4. Get the right mask
Most people don’t know the essence of masks in achieving the best result with their CPAP machine. First, CPAP masks are of different sizes and styles. Each size and style is specially made for a specific purpose. So, it is important that you get instructions and recommendations from your healthcare provider to purchase the right fit for you.
If your mask is too large, you will have to pull the straps holding it to your head tightly. Consequently, that could cause skin irritation or result in sores when the straps continuously scratch your face. If you have been experiencing these seeing these signs, you can get a soft mask or strap that would have a less rubbing effect on your face to get more comfortable.
If your mask is too small, it may not cover the appropriate area adequately which may result in leaks. The leaked air may get into your eyes and cause inconveniences. To avoid such issues, make sure you get the right mask with fitted straps and headgear.

5. Use the ramp feature
Sometimes, the pressure of airflow might be too high and consequently makes it difficult for you to fall asleep. In that case, your best way out is to use the ramp feature on the CPAP unit. Using the ramp mode, you can make your machine start on low pressure and automatically increase gradually to higher pressure when you might have fallen deeply asleep. This feature is good for those that find it difficult to fall asleep due to the irritations from high air pressure.
6. Use a saline nasal spray
It is unarguable that CPAP machines are super-efficient. Yet, they also have some downsides one of which can be nasal congestion. Though this complication is common to CPAP treatment, you can overcome using a saline nasal spray to reduce or eliminate its effects. In other words, it is good to buy a saline spray alongside your CPAP machine to avoid complications.
7. Have a routine maintenance practice
No machine can perform at the optimum level without proper maintenance. If all you do is put on your machine before sleep and remove it when you wake up without cleaning, the machine may start to malfunction overtime. To get make the best use of your machine for a long time, it is best to schedule a regular time to clean the mask, headgear, and hose at least once a week. You can set a reminder so that you don’t miss your cleaning dates.
A CPAP machine can make you sleep better and help you live a longer, more enjoyable life. However, you need to learn how to properly handle the machine to get your desired result and a long term use. The above tips should work for you in any situation, if you are having issues with your CPAP machine, talk to your healthcare provider for more professional support.